Making Education Accessible, Practical, and Engaging

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InvestED is building a digital platform that connects potential borrowers to lenders in emerging markets (EM). Our goal is to increase our client's income. We do this by using machine learning to create customized training solutions and linkages to lending institutions. Our technology consists of an Android app (client facing), a cloud based analytic engine, and a web dashboard (partner facing).

Our solution is unique because of its potential to scale and our human centered approach. There are many forms of training which EM banks use, but none that are as scalable as an Android app. There are many apps that train entrepreneurs, but none with a standard feature that connects learners to funders.


Component I: User facing mobile apps

In lesser developed markets, literacy can be as low as 50%. Our app uses symbols, voice prompts, and an intuitive user interface to allow users with low literacy levels to navigate it. Users login through Facebook for immediate access to animated training lessons, as well as access to in-app customer service.

Component II: Cloud

The core of our platform is our cloud-based analytic engine. We gather data from our users and pass it through an artificial intelligence system that provides a credit risk analysis based on user and market indicators. We use this analysis to create a baseline score and a customized training regime. The system then populates a profile, which we share with our partners.

Component III: Partner Facing Dashboard

The final component of our platform is a dashboard that provides partners with a credit history and score, rich insight into the user's business, personal needs, and social indicators validating their identity.